Major Works for Lucas Cricket Club

Our new community sports pavilion with female-friendly change rooms for Victoria Park is taking shape and due for completion by March 2023.
The new pavilion will include fantastic modern social rooms, large new female friendly home and away change rooms divisible into four when required, essential operational office space, internal and external equipment storage, full commercial kitchen and canteen, umpires change rooms, allowance for an electronic scoreboard, publicly accessible toilets, spectator seating and footpaths, landscaping and dedicated parking.
The pavilion project follows the extensive $1.3 million resurfacing and lighting works already completed at the ground in 2022, which includes a new hard wicket cricket pitch, and a top class sand-based oval with drainage and irrigation and perimeter fencing around the entire field. Also due for completion in March 2023 are new cricket nets and training facilities. The new 4-bay cricket nets will be fully enclosed with retractable soft netting and continuous synthetic matting as well as power outlets for running bowling machines and portable equipment.
Victoria Park and the Lucas Cricket Club now host the premier hard wicket cricket oval in Ballarat and with the completion of the new pavilion and cricket nets, our ground is set to contain some of the best sporting facilities in Ballarat.

President of the Lucas Cricket Club David Horwood said they are really grateful for the state’s support of this important project.
“As we know from similar projects across Ballarat, upgraded facilities make it much easier for to attract and retain players, and female friendly facilities help to level the playing field when comes to participation in sport. I’m confident this project along with support from our key sponsors Langdon Building, JK Personnel and Integra we will achieve our vision of building a premier cricket club for the for the Lucas community.”
The Lucas Cricket Club, established in 1953 by the ‘Lucas Girls’, has three senior teams and four junior sides including a Lucas under 11 girls team called the ‘Lucas Girls’ in honour of our founders.
With new facilities, the club is entering an exciting phase of growth and development with plans to expand our junior development program within the Lucas community.